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+ Family Snaps +
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Myself, My Uncle John and My Greatuncle, Dada James John Roe Macateer©Mgr John McIntyre (Father John is road testing my bike, a cherished gift from him, so I could hardly object). Mamma and my Aunt Susan on holiday in Fanad My Uncle Tommy Callghan, Aunt Marie, My Uncle Eddie Callaghan and wife Aunt Mary and their daughters (four each)©Mgr John McIntyre Aunt Rosemary, John McFadyen, Mamma (en route to Rome) and Myself. c'87©Mgr John McIntyre Love of the arts being passed on to a new generation©Mgr John McIntyre

My Husband Frank at 21 Me and Jim with Bried Docherty and Bridgie O'Brien Eunan and Angela with Susan MacAteer, grandaughter of DadaJames, Johns youngest My Mother while at Glasgow School of Art early last century My First Holy Communion

Happy times, teaching the top class at English Martyres Eunan, Brendan and Angela Newly Baptised Caitlin with Her Father Nick©Eunan Carr Caitlin with Parents and Godparents (My daughter Una stood as proxy for my daughter-in-law Sharon who was ill that day)©Eunan Carr Caitlin with her Grandparents©Eunan Carr

Caitlin with her parents and Godparents©Eunan Carr ...and with Uncle Eunan©Eunan Carr Great Arch Bay©Mgr John Mintyre ...with schoolfriends© Dousing in Fanad©

..with my mammas family while still a baby© In Paris© Wedding Day© Angela, and her Cousins Judith and Dominic, at her first holy communion© Sports mad©

Brendans Christening© Mamma, Me, Frank, Jim & John : July 1966© A makeshift place of worship from penal times© My Grandparents, Thomas Callaghan and Rosie Callaghan nee Sweeney©Mgr John McIntyre My parents James McIntyre and Catherine McIntyre nee Callaghan©<

My grandaughter Caitlin©Eunan Carr My daughter Angela©courtesy Angela Crawley nee Carr ©courtesy Angela Crawley Angela with her Grandma©courtesy Angela Crawley Angela with Frank© courtesy Angela Crawley

My Grandaughters progress©courtesy Angela Crawley John Roe MacAteer, my grandchilds great,great,great grandfather©courtesy Angela Carr My father during his time on the Mars training ship c. 1920s A first picture©Rosaleen Carr Franks Mother with her sister in America

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